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chicken wire fenceRaising chickens has become very popular recently, not just in rural areas but also in many suburbs and even in cities. Given the many benefits, it’s not surprising this has been an expanding hobby.

The biggest benefit, of course, is the regular supply of fresh eggs. In addition, chickens are interesting pets, and they are very effective at getting rid of your garden pests.

It is important to become familiar with some important guidelines about raising chickens before making any decisions to buy your chickens.

Tips for Keeping Chickens

Raising Chickens Is Illegal In Some Cities. You should call your municipality and ask about the laws on keeping poultry in your yard. You can also do some online research. There may be limits on how many birds you can keep, how close they can be to your property borders, or how big your chicken coop can be. Find out all that you can, and make sure that you aren’t breaking any laws regarding your flock.

Talk To Your Neighbors. Chickens can be bothersome with their constant clucking, and the neighbors may not appreciate a rooster crowing early each morning. Even if you’re fortunate enough to get their agreement, there may be some conditions and assurances they want, and you don’t want to make any enemies. Asking for approval is important to maintaining a peaceful living environment.

Choose The Breed Of Your Flock Wisely. Most people prefer hens over of roosters, because they are not as noisy. Also, hens don’t need roosters for them to lay eggs – they can be very comfortable without any males around. As for breed selection, the “bantam” is very popular for their docile nature and gorgeous plumage. Their small size also makes them easier to handle. You also have to consider the size of a chicken’s comb and wattle since these extra appendages are prone to frostbite during winter, which can cause health complications if not treated properly.

Set Up A Coop To House Your Pets. A strong and high fence should be built around the area to prevent any predators from killing your birds. The hen house should be warm and bright, with enough ventilation, but no draft. Placing a dirt pen is also essential for the chicken’s dust baths. A roost is also required since hens love to sleep off the ground. Don’t forget the nesting boxes (you can use any pliable box) to store the eggs as they come. And finally, a water dispenser and a food tray must be set up so they can eat and drink.

These things don’t have to be expensive, and can be found online or in any feed store.

Once your hens are settled in their homes, you have to feed them regularly and keep their surroundings clean. And monitor them to make sure they stay healthy.